Looks great, beautiful landing page and it looks like a labor of love!
- Most of the page titles are the (same)[1] which doesn't seem good for SEO. Each of the pages like "Pricing" or "Compress Your Video Files" should be differently named.
- The "video compressor" tool would be much more useful if you could enter a target file size. This is a frequent use case, if you want to send a video over email or social media apps like Messenger with a file size limit. The only way I've been able to do that for myself is basically encode it repeatedly with ffmpeg at various quality settings until the file size is just small enough, but you could probably automate that with something more intelligent like a good guess and a binary search. I'm sure someone's made a library to do that already though.
- It needs a whole bunch of features related to subtitles, like making a subtitled GIF from a video file with subtitles.
- Maybe risky to include copyrighted work like the Spider-Verse movie in the demo video? Unless you really did rip it legally from a Blu-ray.
- There are random grammar mistakes and capitalization issues throughout the site, nothing major but worth a pass by a native English speaker. "What kinda files Pimosa supports?" and "Every files gets processed on your device only" as some examples. Might give some people pause.
- Could be worth to have a more prominent "Download" box at the top section that automatically detects your OS. Most landing pages have that so I assume it works.
I disagree. Any page that sports a big "buy now" button without even scrolling but has at that point not even shown me a single screenshot will have a hard time catching my attention. I didn't look further.
It’s pretty much textbook to have a primary CTA above the fold on a landing page like this.
Would love to see examples of nice landing pages that _don’t_ do this and also aren’t big enough companies that you’ve already heard of them (10b plus companies may not need to do this as they’ve earned the scroll in brand recognition and likely have more than one product line).
> - There are random grammar mistakes and capitalization issues throughout the site, nothing major but worth a pass by a native English speaker. …
Can I get a discount if I copy edit your site and docs for you? :) But, yea, agree that the typos give pause.
> - Could be worth to have a more prominent "Download" box …
And make it more clear what downloading gets you. Is it a trial? Or just a version of the app that doesn’t save?
Reading through the site and docs, I get the impression you’ve spent more time getting license keys to work than anything else. Certainly at least in the way of docs.
Does SEO really matter still? I have seen a few videos that show how the SEO algorithm works a few months ago, at least googles, and you basically can't optimize in that regard.
SEO very much does count. And on site optimisation is the easiest return on investment as it's generally not a lot of work. few hours of work can bring you tons of clients.
While you are not too far into selling - a word of advice.
Switch to offering a year of free updates and charge a small fee after that.
Trust me. You will coverge to this scheme sooner or later, so do it now.
Standalone Windows installer is a must.
Windows Store is still a deserted wasteland and is not a default choice for the vast majority of Windows users. You are losing a ton of users over this.
ffmpeg and other dependencies need to be acknowledged for both ethical and technical reasons. The technical reason is that your app doesn't depend on OS-supplied codecs and doesn't require installing them separately. And ethical reasons I hope are obvious.
The problem with distributing standalone installers on Windows is that all non-popular apps are immediately regarded as malware by Windows Defender unless you go through the horrendous process of signing your app, which requires obtaining a certificate (which also requires forming a company that is not an LLC) and waiting more than a month while navigating multiple rounds of bureaucracy. I’ve done it for my app, and it was a terrible experience. Microsoft should study how Apple handles signing and notarization.
> signing your app, which requires obtaining a certificate (which also requires forming a company that is not an LLC) and waiting more than a month while navigating multiple rounds of bureaucracy.
This is not true, not as phrased.
A. You can get a cert issued in your personal name. Not an EV one, but still.
B. You are likely to already have a company if you are selling online.
C. It doesn't take "a month" even for an EV cert. Several days tops unless you go through Comodo, in which case you get what you pay for.
D. It is perfectly fine to distribute unsigned installers. They produce a warning on launch, granted, but contrary to the urban legend they are not getting instantly shit-canned by the Defender.
A. Indeed, that requirement only apply to EV cert (at least for the cert authority I used).
B. That's not always the case with indie developers.
C. Well, it took me. My cert authority was GlobalSign.
> but contrary to the urban legend they are not getting instantly shit-canned by the Defender.
That was not my experience. Try to download an unsigned binary using Edge and see what happens. From what I remember (I'm on macOS, mostly), they are "getting instantly shit-canned".
I've recently used two different vendors, replied within minutes to each of their queries in hopes of expediting the process, but each time it took the better part of 2 months before I was in possession of a USB signing key.
This is for a Delaware C-corp, so it was about as vanilla as it could be for their side.
It used to be Digicert, but they hit the rock bottom and went straight below it after their merge with Symantec. Quadrupled their prices by forcing everyone on subscriptions, obnoxious sales people, sales phone calls, price negotiations, the whole shebang. However, their validation team is still the best.
It took some searching, but it turns out that they spun off their non-subscription certificate business under the name of GoGetSSL. This entity resells other vendors too, but if you get their "own" certificate, which is the cheapest of the bunch, the validation is done by Digicert. So, that's the answer for the time being.
Entrust, Globalsign, Certum are way more expensive, slow and bureaucratic. Comodo (or Sectigo, which is the same thing) are just utter crap. Their validation process is an India-outsourced torture. Never again. Not even for free.
Just went through the code signing odyssey. It is a racket, but it did not take me a month. It took me a week and a half, including integration in to automated builds.
For an EV certificate, you need to have a government-registered business [0], though a record of Doing Business As should be sufficient. Where I live, that involves filling a form, paying a fee, and taking out a classified add for 3 weeks [1]. There are cheaper certificates, OV, that merely require a notary public's confirmation (which is what I did).
However, as the other post said, Windows will treat an EV certificate with very high trust and should not show SmartScreen. For OV signed software, it looks like [3] Microsoft will use some telemetry to assemble a trust score as people download and accept the risk of running the software, over days or weeks.
[0] https://support.ksoftware.net/support/solutions/articles/358...
KSoftware is a sales partner for Sectigo. I used their service and later Sectigo directly, before last year's change to require FIPS hardware for managing the code signing certificate.
We got a certificate with a company that's the local equivalent of an LLC, and have seen certificates issued to private individuals. As far as I can tell it's up to the issuer who they support in their verification process. Many of them are pretty inflexible with somewhat arcane processes designed decades ago (with ancient websites portals to match), so your experience may vary
An additional detail is that there are two levels of code signing certificates, normal and EV (extended validation) certificate. EV certificates make windows completely drop the low-reputation screen and causes many antivirus solutions to trust you but are expensive and are a bit of a pain to get. Normal certificates are cheaper and comparatively easier to acquire, but only give partial benefits (less scary screen from Windows, some leeway from antivirus).
Like wongarsu described, there are two types of certificates. I got the more trusted one (EV certificate) which has higher requirement standards (one of which is to be a formed corporation that is not a sole proprietorship).
FFmpeg's license has various requirements, including: "Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License."
Well I think Amazon and many other huge companies are having many unethical activities, and I think we should not think that if big companies do certain things, that it should be ok for us to do it too.
HN is a community of hackers, not business people that are only commercially interested. But Hackers need money too, so we also need to be a little bit commercial. But it would be ideal if we could be commercial without having to give up the hacker ethic.
But many people don't believe it's easy to be open source and commercial at the same time. Why would people pay if they don't have to?
I'm thinking of a new form of software licencing: what if we make a license that says that a particular piece of software must become open source after for example 5 years. Then the developer can sell the software they wrote for 5 years long, and after that it will become open source.
This would give FOSS developers more motivation to create software, and the community will benefit eventually, so people won't feel too hesitative paying for the software, because it will eventually benefit everyone.
> HN is a community of hackers, not business people
From what I read here daily, it is becoming an anti-hacker, anti-worker, anti-individual and pro-big business community.
One of the proofs is this theread. You can see People defending AWS...
BUT my point is not AWS is wrong, but supporting AWS and criticizing individuals is what is wrong.
And no one noticed this, and has already started defending AWS.
Nobody is saying it's a problem to sell a user-friendly wrapper GUI to people who need it. And nobody should be saying creating those is easy. However the developer has to acknowledge the underlying open source tools (FFmpeg and ImageMagick) somewhere on their app's website. Otherwise, yes, there's a clear ethical issue in implying the heavy back-end work is done by your code.
Come on, that's not all they do. They also resell open source as better-UXified tooling. RDS is "just" repackaged postgres/redis/etc with a more convenient dont-have-to-peek-under-the-hood as much dev experience.
The website doesn't even mention FFmpeg which is the open source tool that does all the heavy work. Building a user-friendly GUI is a valuable work in itself (congrats on that, sincerely), but it's not okay to hide the open source tool that does all the work in the background.
It should at least be visible in the FAQ that the open source FFmpeg tool is used by the app, with an appropriate link to FFmpeg's website. The tool could be described from the start as a "User-friendly FFmpeg front-end" (but I would understand that this may not speak to its target audience, hence the idea of putting the information way down the page in the FAQ or even the footer, but at least don't hide it).
In general I agree, it gives me a sense of wholesomeness when companies open up about this and give credit to the authors of the libraries that their product contains. Credits.md somewhere is sufficient for that to me.
I’ll try to not be dismissive of the labour, though it’s kind of funny (or actually natural) that the heavy lifting libraries that only a few can actually write are open and free, while the shallow wrappers that everyone can write are paid and closed.
Decades ago we were calling out these software and now it’s the norm.
Another example along the line: I wanted to extract a frame from a video on iOS, it’s impossible with the built-in tools (screenshot aside) and found that someone built a paid app only for that.
While i'm with you in principle, over the years i've learned that we should not talk down good UI/UX, if that's what the wrapper adds. It's a crucial component to the value of a piece of software for the end user.
He actually himself writes that he doesn't want to spend too much time on his apps:
> now i have lession that i shouldnt build apps that consumes so much time.
Sounds like somebody really devoted to the perfect UI experience.
Look, I don't want to talk down this kid. Everybody starts somewhere and I like the enthusiasm. But him expecting to make $30 off everybody for plumbing together a bunch of FOSS libs is rubbing me the wrong way.
Yes just like instead of Dropbox for a Linux user, you can already build such a system yourself quite trivially by getting an FTP account, mounting it locally with curlftpfs, and then using SVN or CVS on the mounted filesystem. From Windows or Mac, this FTP account could be accessed through built-in software.
I don't check the project deeply yet so I don't comment about it.
That's not true Dropbox was in the technical edge when it came, and old time ago, was barely possible, and the recurrent cost of the severs and operation cost is clearly not the same.
And pay Foss GUIs are sad state of reality
Distribution, marketing and running it is the hard part, not building software. I consider libraries to be like roads, it's a communal good if you will. Feel free to build and run these apps yourself in the open instead of complaining. You will see how time consuming that is.
Building a road is usually very similar to building another road.
Building ffmpeg is very different from an SSL lib. They need different tradeoffs, design strategies, domain knowledge, etc. And doing them properly is really really hard. A lot of software out there sucks, in part because there is more focus on marketing than on correctness and reliability.
If roads had the same quality as software then traffic deaths would be an order of magnitude higher.
Try working on a library used in tech that your life depends on and you might re-consider your road metaphor.
I've been a core maintainer of several (machine learning) libraries. It's a communal effort of people who care enough about these things. They come together because they need it, it's basic infrastructure so to speak.
> Building a road is usually very similar to building another road.
It's a similar process, but so is building software. That's entirely besides my point though, which you seem to have missed entirely.
Case in point: I regularly use a free iOS app that is clearly the result of someone's deep passion in taking what could have been a simple wrapper and turning it into an incredibly simple but powerful interface to complete a useful task efficiently and at any scale... and that task is exactly what OP was trying to do...
But as someone who's somewhat familiar with app store optimization, I guarantee the creator did none of that that.
Their app name would need to be something obnoxious like "Frame Grabber Extractor: Pic from Video" to capture all the different searches people do for this task.
And the people focused on distribution are even paying for ads with the money they make their IAP infested "1 week trial; $4 a week" alternatives make.
What you mention is the hard part is only because the foundational blocks are free and open source (in this example). Not that marketing would become easy, it's still difficult, but not write-ffmpeg-from-scratch difficult.
What is more, many people expect that software that they are trying will be open source and free. It makes really hard to create a new desktop app that is paid as a solo founder. Congratulations!
its not just shallow wrapper, as a creator of other shallow wrapper(online and free btw) if you want to crop a video how do you plan to do it with ffmpeg cli? it would be really tedious to do so. You can easily do it visually with this wrapper and other such wrappers so its not like they are not providing value.
Another example is do you remember ffmpeg command syntax? i don't! here he is taking care of generating it for you so you don't waste time asking llm or searching for google and iterating on it if it doesn't works.
There's nearly 2 million lines of code in the FFMPEG codebase: unless you're building the next Adobe Premiere, no matter how much value you provide, you are building an extremely shallow wrapper around FFMPEG when you build an interface to crop videos.
No one is saying a shallow wrapper can't provide value, but most of the value for the end user is derived from FFMPEG, not the layer you added to it.
If we took FFMPEG and your wrapper and separated them, FFMPEG could still do the one task that your users need: it would be harder, and it would be less convenient, but it can still crop videos. Your tool would no longer do anything but draw rectangles where we'd like a crop to appear. It'd meet no user needs at all.
Also to clarify my stance, there's nothing wrong with shallow wrappers, and I've made shallow wrappers: I know finding the user need, and thinking of the right UX and figuring out distribution is all a lot of real legwork.
But I also find it's important to realize when most of the value you're providing is enabled by something you built on. There shouldn't be shame in admitting that you wrapped something that was powerful and potentially unwieldy for your segment of users and made it useful.
Of course they provide value! They car dealer selling you that new Toyota also provides value. Without him you couldn't buy that car, certainly not so easily.
Doesn't mean he manufactured it, or invented it, or conceived of the very idea of an automobile with an ICE (or EV). It's all a big collaborative effort, and imagining that all of the $40k for that car go straight into the dealer's pocket would be absurd. Legally absurd, and ethically absurd as well.
Similar with a piece of software that builds on other work. Of course it provides value (hopefully). But on the whole, the extra value added is not the majority of the whole package.
That's not what I'm thinking. Where exactly should those $25 go? If there is such an easy place, fine, go ahead. I personally don't see one, since there are many giants on whose shoulders he is standing on.
There are other options, many of them have been mentioned in this discussion.
I suppose my main point is that the apparently new quite inexperienced guy, as appreciated as his enthusiasm is, should at some point understand that all the tech he uses for free didn't fall from the sky and just whipping the cream that floats on top for personal profit is not a sustainable model. Even though that seems to be the trend these days.
The fact of the matter is that there are many motivations for creating software. If someone profits off of my work, that I released into the world with licensing terms that allows them to do so, there’s no obligation that I be paid for it. I could have, myself, recognized the potential and done the work to make a marketable tool, but my motivation was different.
You can fault the FOSS community for promoting default libre licensing that created the “exploitable” nature of this, but the fact of the matter is that people creating software are able to make a choice. They can make a different choice if they wish.
You a seem to be misunderstanding if not misrepresenting my point. I applaud the FOSS community for these licenses. I use them myself. And I don't expect any payment. And it's fine that if anybody invests a lot of expertise and time to build a complicated product to commercialize it. Even better if they contribute back in one way or another.
This is about a green kid coming along and quickly churning out lots of half-baked solutions, asking for frankly quite a lot of money for those, apparently without acknowledging the giants on whose shoulder they are standing. Legally they have the right to do so, sure. But we as a community can give push back in that that's not how things will work in the long run. I encourage you to check out his personal home page, you'll see what I mean. (And again, I generally applaud the enthusiasm. But those things would better be suited as portfolio-building personal OSS projects on github rather than trying to squeeze the dollars.)
There is a difference between legitimate business interests after large investments, and freeloaders.
> But we as a community can give push back in that that's not how things will work in the long run. I encourage you to check out his personal home page, you'll see what I mean.
> (And again, I generally applaud the enthusiasm. But those things would better be suited as portfolio-building personal OSS projects on github rather than trying to squeeze the dollars.)
Why? They are under no obligation to do so, and then they are working for free. (A common trope related to FOSS, often argued on this very website)
> There is a difference between legitimate business interests after large investments, and freeloaders.
What large investment are you talking about? The thousands of hours of free labor that went ffmpeg? Yeah. See also all of the open source software that went into the operating system and utilities they built everything on. That doesn’t stop people from selling proprietary software, so why is this any different?
This is free market capitalism. If they can find people to pay $29 for a copy of this wrapper, more power to them. That also happens to be a much more powerful resume bullet point.
And you might be underestimating the work that went into those libraries.
We are talking decades of work, dealing with platform issues, performance, loads of security considerations and then there is the whole licensing+patent topic.
Sure UI work is hard, but of the whole package, it's only the visible part of the iceberg and now I'm expected to give $30 to the person who only contributed that last piece? Of course it's work too but if not at least half that money is being donated to the underlying FOSS projects then I'm out.
Another suggestion: open source your app. Those who don't know how to compile/build it, or are too lazy, which will be most, they can pay for the convenience, and you'll have the income you expect, but at least you are giving back to the community on whose work you are basing yours.
> self-taught full-stack developer who wrote the first line of code in the 2020 Corona lockdown.
You my friend are standing on the shoulders of giants. Time to ack them.
For my own open source libraries, I have made a conscious decision to say "I don't care". And the language in which I'm saying it is legalese. It's all in the license.
If I felt that people should give me a cut of any commercial software they build on top of my library then I would try to express that in my choice of license.
I have the same view on my own FOSS work (also expressed in its license) and generally also don't think that FOSS authors should feel that their users are obligated to give them anything (beyond the conditions of the license).
Though we as a community can still have views regarding kids hacking things trying to profit off decades of hard work by a large community. Different if they contribute back obvioisly. There are lots of compromise models out there.
> and now I'm expected to give $30 to the person who only contributed that last piece?
No, you are not expected to pay $30 to anybody.
If the distribution of the money make you unhappy, just pay $30 to this guy and $30 to the other project (or $150 using a x5 ratio sugested in other comment).
Or you can use the free CLI, or a free alternative.
Even better, you can write a free clone of this app and distribute it for free. Just remember to choose the licence carefuly. You'd probably like AGPL that makes comercial use very difficult.
Software isn't a one time use commodity. Other people can make UIs - guess why people still buy them! And if you're mad about commercialization, then they should have chosen a different license. You are paying for the UI, and only the UI.
Making a good user interface is definitely not easy. Yet it's orders of magnitude easier than writing ffmpeg.
That said, there is nothing wrong with a paid wrapper around a large and complex open source library. Distributing their work more widely is not a disservice.
> Yet it's orders of magnitude easier than writing ffmpeg.
If there's one thing that I've learned, is that "It Depends™" is my mantra.
ffmpeg is the sharp end of years of work by a whole lot of folks. It isn't just a single developer's "pet project" (although its originator[0] deserves enormous heaps of credit). It has been maintained by a whole community of really good (and dedicated) developers (and people with all kinds of other skills)[1].
It's not just a library. It's a platform. People have made entire (lucrative) careers, from just "tuning" ffmpeg.
Because of the infrastructure provided by ffmpeg, people can build some really useful implementations, and create focused applications.
I have found that making an approachable interface for a complex substrate, can be incredibly valuable, and definitely worth paying for. It can often mean the difference between soaring success, and miserable failure.
"Easier" is in the eye of the beholder. Ever watch a really, really experienced studio musician at work? They sit down, and in five minutes, your scratches on a piece of paper, take on a magical aspect. They make it look absurdly easy, but that comes from intense practice. There was a documentary (don't remember the name), about a bunch of major musicians, that came out of the California scene, in the late 1960s/early 1970s. In it, there was a discussion about someone (I think it may have been one of the Grateful Dead, or Eagles), that lived above Jackson Browne, who is a very successful singer and songwriter (BTW: The "songwriter" part is the bit that makes the money). They talk about hearing him practice, as he was developing songs. He'd play just a few bars, over, and over, and over again, until he got it right.
Songwriters and studio musicians may not be able to command roaring crowds at Glastonbury, but they can give you the album that you'll need, to get that crowd to show up, in the first place. So success requires contributions from many different places, and each has its own measure.
Water is free, but you pay some company because they bottled it. While free, it would have cost most people a ton to go find a source and carry it back. These wrappers are a good thing.
If you're concerned about open and free software I'm not sure using iOS makes a lot of sense. Of all mobile and desktop platforms, iOS has the highest barrier to entry for the free utilities you're hoping to find. Were you surprised you couldn't find your free utility on iOS?
The authors and maintainers of foundational code/utilities like ffmpeg/curl/etc. should definitely be the ones who have all the riches they could ever want. Thousands have made fortunes off of their work.
That said, what's the free and open source version of this tool? There are some great open source video editors like Shotcut, Openshot, KDENLive, Blender, etc., but I think this tool is more like CyberChef for video?
>what's the free and open source version of this tool?
PowerToys is Free and Open Source, and has at minimum an image resizer utility. It's a good starting point for adding on richer functionality like a preview GUI, and I'm sure that the basic video and audio manipulation would be appreciated as additions. Also since it's a Microsoft sponsored project, I imagine that the signing process is drastically different than what OP has experienced.
I know that's really not satisfying to say that "someday we could have this in the FOSS space", but everything starts somewhere.
Though editors like Shotcut and KDENLive are considered non linear since you can layer on different effects, while OP's utility is definitely not that.
Perhaps the author would consider open sourcing if they received financial compensation for their work to date? Crowdfunding or retroactive grants can liberate code.
Context: a big chunk of my 2024 income was from grant money to build open source software that I may have tried to monetize otherwise. It’s possible.
I think you have a warped perspective. Not everyone has the time or skills to use CLI tools. People will pay to save time. The market is multi faceted and complex and there's a market for everything. In this case you're just not the customer.
Making a friendly interface that doesn’t require the user to have to install a new tool is a value-add. Maybe the average power-user doesn’t need it, but it doesn’t seem entirely sinister.
I’m actually really fond of the model: here are the tools you can do anything with them but here is packed bundles that do something and the ecosystem is funded by selling bundles which often are just a UX for the tools and having them preconfigured.
Gives everyone the option of picking free or paid options, depending on people’s needs.
Upvoting you because my comment saying the same thing is getting downvotes and I really think the message is important.
However I don't think it's fair to call this a "shallow wrapper". It's clear that a lot of work went into the design of this GUI and, and making user-friendly interfaces is also an important work (that is far too often overlooked in the open sources communities).
Yet the fact that FFmpeg, the tool that does all the heavy background work, isn't even mentioned anywhere on the website, even in the FAQ or the footer is at least a non-negligible ethical problem.
UPDATE: The same goes for ImageMagick that I just saw this app installs and uses too.
I have not downloaded the app, so I don't know what it contains.
The licenses for both ffmpeg and ImageMagick do not require anyone to mention them in the website.
However, if they are being re-distributed, there are clear obligations for providing source code and attributions. Omitting to do so is a violation of the legal obligations.
Consider that someone talented enough to write a library probably has a much higher salary potential than a front-end hacker. Shouldn't the latter be allowed to eat, as undignified as you may find it?
It looks awesome and very handy, I found a few minor UI issues, I'm trying the Windows version on a 4k monitor.
* The "< Home" button when you enter video/audio/photo tools is only clickable and changes color when hovering below the text, I would suggest making that a larger blue button. This doesn't happen for the "< Back" button which is in the same area when you're in a tool
* If the upper image crop handles are all the way at the top, they aren't clickable, they don't show the resize cursor. When you drag them it moves the window instead of the crop handle
I have a few suggestions:
* I'm not sure how feasible this is, but I think video should have a similar combined crop/flip/rotate UI instead of separate ones like for photos
* It seems like batch processing is a first class notion in the app, which is definitely very handy, but I think maybe it should be a mode toggled by a radio? I think a lot of use cases are just one off uses, in which case the UI can be made a lot simpler. If I'm just working on one file, I would prefer to be dropped right into the tool editor rather than having to click edit.
* 2 devices for the extended license is still a little too limited in my opinion. I would make it so authenticating the app to a computer requires access to the email that purchased it, and then make the extended license unlimited. I don't think you have to worry about that getting used for a team since it would require access to the email account.
Regarding the last point, I’ve seen companies doing exactly this, making the purchase through an admin account and relating the license info to each employee that needs it.
Nevertheless, I agree that two devices is too restrictive, it should be five or so.
Even though saying "small nitpick" is redundant in terms of its literal meaning (denotation), communication is about more than simple denotation. It's also about emphasis, tone, and emotions, and saying "small nitpick" can be a good way to soften criticism and add a little humility and politeness.
I've always wondered what the name for this was! When I was younger I noticed a common one in some of my social groups, "small little"; I'd always wondered whether it was a cultural phenomena (someone said it, then it kept spreading) or a more natural diminutive (like I think "small nitpick" is).
When I was a kid, tuna and tuna fish were two different things.
Tuna was tuna straight out of the can, with nothing added. After all, the can says tuna right on it.
Tuna fish was tuna mixed with mayonnaise and crunchy things like pickles and celery. It was what today would be called tuna salad.
So if mom asked, "would you like a tuna sandwich for lunch?" we would reply "can we please have a tuna fish sandwich instead?" Because who wants plain tuna in a sandwich?
If she asked if we wanted a tuna salad sandwich, we would be completely confused. Is it a salad or is it a sandwich?
I think the distinction between "tuna" and "tuna fish" (tuna salad) was likely just something we made up in our own family. Maybe even just a way for us kids to prank our mom, or vice versa. "Do you want tuna, or tuna fish?"
OTOH, "tuna fish" was indeed a common phrase back in those days (mid 20th century) as a synonym for canned tuna. It appeared on tuna can labels and advertisements. Here are some examples:
Heh it's not just you, but the entire thread. It starts with a nitpick, and devolves into a discussion entirely alien to the original post. This is similar to how LLMs catch on to a single word or topic and run with it. All replies also have that pleasantly informative tone typical of LLMs. Even your last reply is too nice. :)
But don't mind me. Just found it curious. You don't seem like an AI from your profile, but these days one can't be sure anymore. Cheers!
Well thank you. My creators programmed me to try to be nice to people. I can't say I always succeed at that!
They even wrote an entire Book for me to read. I haven't read the whole thing (or even much of it), but it has advice like this:
"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."
Wait, I think that is in the Hacker News guidelines! I knew I read it somewhere.
This is almost certainly an American thing, we just don’t have “tuna fish” in British parlance. A “tuna sandwich” would be understood to be a tuna mayonnaise sandwich, sometimes with surprise crunchy bits and sometimes without. You do occasionally see “tuna crunch” used to explicitly denote the addition of, most commonly, red onion and bell peppers.
nitpick on your nitpick on the nitpick: a "metacommentary" would be if you'd be commenting on your own text. That's even less important, but I thought you might appreciate such asides
May I suggest not offering lifetime updates? All software that does this ends up getting around it in the end because they realize they need to get more money from existing customers to actually stay afloat. Normally by releasing the product under a slightly different name or some other sleight of hand.
The model like jetbrains does with IntelliJ I think is decent. Or look at smaller software like sublime text or ArqBackup (we're a license is forever for a specific major release of the software)
Maybe I'm old school, but I won't "buy" (rent?) subscriptions for software. I expect to own it outright, at to receive at least security updates for a reasonable time period.
There is a middle ground in that you buy the current major version and get updates to it, but you would have to pay again if you ever want to upgrade to the next major version. (If you don’t want to, you can still continue to use the version you bought indefinitely.)
But this model introduces an incentive to artificially bump the major version ASAP so as to be able to charge again for updates. One way this happens is with feature creep, to justify a new version every few months. A "done" application wouldn't reasonably get a new major version ever, so the software becomes ever-growing and then bloat ends up happening.
There is the counter-incentive that people won’t upgrade if they don’t think it’s worth it. What you describe doesn’t usually happen, in my experience.
>A "done" application wouldn't reasonably get a new major version ever
Did that company not want to make money? Even if they want to pretend their software is done, there is incentive to just change the name, add a new feature or two, and maybe poke at the UI so it looks different enough to be a definitely new product that you should buy and not mostly the same as last time.
I just don't think the old model of "one shot" software works. Firstly, security updates. Next, dependencies change over time and you want the software to still work. Third, adding new features and keeping it integrated with the OS / UI kits etc. requires ongoing work.
In theory you could have a single binary that never changes, ever, but it's just unrealistic.
Subscription models are fine, Jetbrains is the fallback if you're going to be super adamant about refusing to fund ongoing development, but software is not like other products. Maybe in the past when it was very simple within a simple ecosystem it was different.
There's something to be said for reducing the pricing to something more sustainable and more explicity upstream donations, but "pay once, have the developer continue to work for me for free if I keep it long enough" isn't realistic.
Unless you are the legal creator or buy the copyright, you never own software outright, you license it from the owner (or its public domain and has no owner.)
If the product stops working if you don’t pay the maintenance fee then it’s a subscription model with an initial down-payment.
Car maintenance doesn’t fall into the annual fee model, as much as manufacturers and dealers would like, you don’t have to use them for periodic repairs or servicing. Car features that require yearly renewals (navigation and the like) would be subscriptions with a one-time free trial.
One time purchase plus yearly renewals to keep the product operating are one shaky legal grounds.
I think you're misunderstanding the above comment. Buying a perpetual license for a particular version (or set of versions), then in the future optionally paying a fee for a new major version not covered by that license is extremely common and imo the most fair model for both creator and customer. If you never buy an upgrade or newer version, the version you own continues to work the same way it always has. You just don't get the newest updates for free.
Security updates is not a new model; most cars come with a warranty (which is not the same thing either but the point is you do get some form of support for free for a period of time).
BBEdit has been sold via payed upgrades since forever and Bare Bones seems to be doing fine. As a user, I like this model best. I will only ever buy a subscription if I absolutely have to.
Congrats! I would work on your demo gifs a bit. The audio wave form one is very frustrating to watch. You select every available option, slowly, and then _finally_ click generate and show about 0.5s of the finished product before the gif loops. It could start with a 5s example of the finished product and _then_ show you all the various options.
I was wondering how you got around licensing issues, looks like you require the user to install ffmpeg and imagemagic separately which at least respects the license.
Just a question seeing as you are targeting Mac as one of the platforms. Did you concider using AVFoundation for some functionality on MacOS? Similar with Microsoft Media Foundation on windows? Although both of those would have less supported formats than ffmpeg licensing is much less of an issue.
If you ever do want wide support without the pains of having the user install ffmpeg then for video MainConcept is what I've generally seen used.
It never occurred to me that ffmpeg’s license had these restrictions on use (I guess that should be obvious in retrospect, it’s LGPL licensed).
The ffmpeg docs have an straightforward list of things you have to do to link against ffmpeg and also be compliant with the license, which I found interesting:
They way you present the pricing makes it seem like a subscription. I really needed to look twice to notice that is actually not a tiered subscription. I would highly recommend to change the way you present the pricing to make it not look like any other AI-SaaS.
Excited to play with this! Noticed early on you ask for device password. I understand why you are doing it but this is still pretty sus, any other way to install the libraries as needed w/o pw?
Might want to add major version checks particularly with ffmpeg as IIRC filter syntax can vary between major versions (speaking as someone who is pretty sure he’s got an older version of ffmpeg installed because I don’t want to rewrite my scripts).
The app and the site looks really cool. A very very small issue on website. In the FAQ section it says "Every files gets processed on your device only" I think "files" should be "file" there. Nothing really important, just my perfectionism :)
None of the demo videos work for me, stuck on the loading icon. For both Safari and chrome, iOS 18.3 beta.
I agree that "Buy Now" is shown too early.
The horizontally scrolling list of feature icons under Buy Now stops scrolling when you tap an icon, and the icon turns blue; but they're not buttons that lead anywhere. And if I want to see the rest of the scrolling icons, I have to deselect the touched icon. I'd suggest not making this an interactable element, and speed up the scrolling a bit.
Congrats OP and it looks really nice! Out of curiosity, may I ask what’s ur tech stack for developing this software? I’m also an aspiring app developer :) Thank you!
Why should one pay for an app containing features one could get for free somewhere else? A google search for "free video editing software" gets 650M hits...
Just to be clear, this isn't a criticism of the software on technical grounds. I don't doubt that the OP knows what he's doing. It's the commercial aspect of it that I don't understand.
I've down developing in private for >15 years now and even tho i wrote alot of stuff i never was motivated enaugh to "publish" something as product that i might need to support.
The tools dropdown has a problem. It doesn't all fit on my phone screen, but I cannot scroll down to see the rest of the tools.
I think this is a great idea. Ffmpeg and imagemagick can be a pain in the ass. I'd buy it off there were a Linux version and an option to improve the contrast. (Grey text hurts my eyes.)
A. The better call Saul on the video demo is cheerful.
Thanks for putting a smile on my face.
B. You want to convey simplicity, then do that on the copy. For example, instead of x bullets each with action, make it short, resize, convert, rotate etc your video.
Same for images and audio.
Put the demo video right next to the declaration (“show it, don’t tell”).
There is some repetition on the Text, literally one next to each other. e g
The Smarter Way to Edit Your Videos, Photos, and Audio
Everything you need to edit your videos, photos, and audio effortlessly
All-in-One Tool Video, audio, and image editing in one app
Space-Saving One lightweight app replaces multiple tools
If you come to simply my life, make sure your communication is simple, concise and clear.
Congrats on release. One of my use case I struggle with is simple editing long GoPro videos. I like to remove any section of the many videos in the folder, since sometimes they are mundane with no activity. I have not found any tool that will easily allow me to do this, i have to reopen every single file and edit them and save them separately. This is such a pain I have around 1tb family videos waiting to be edited :( will buy it in a heart beat if this tool supports such use case
Great-looking cross-platform app, was curious how this was possible.
Looks like Flutter has third-party libraries for macOS and Windows. I found a damper to the excitement of being able to make great-looking cross-platform apps though, seems Flutter has a big battery drain issue related to rendering blinking cursors that doesn't seem to have been resolved.
Out of curiosity, what programming language and GUI is this written with? Can you write a bit about what the experience was like writing a multi-platform GUI desktop application?
I actually use MPV and bash scripts to do all the listed features and more. I considered making a similar GUI but after carefully reviewing the scripts I decided that there is simply no way to match the degrees of freedom that scripting provides.
Most people are unlikely to view scripting as the most powerful user interface available. So there may be a market for a simplified GUI such as this.
What does screen recording have to do with encoding app? Its completely different type of app (quite hard btw) with different UX requirements. Its like saying if it could do spreadsheets i would 100% buy it.
Looks great - exactly what I needed. I typically just revert to using ffmpeg directly, so something this simple is all I needed. Only request is 2 devices is fairly minimal for a "personal extended" license, which is likely targeting power users. Would love to see that raised to 3 or 4.
Please offer a non-microsoft-store installer for Windows. I hate using the windows store. I can back up an exe or msi installer, for example. Windows store? Nope. You need an internet connection and need to be signed in. So if the app gets removed from the store later... welp. You're out of luck. No more lifetime license.
Shipping an MSI or EXE will help with people who want to use it on WINE as well.
Keep up the good work. Both desktop and cloud apps solve problems for users, but there is no doubt a different kind of old school PC era charm in using the former. There is a sense of freedom that comes from the ownership of software and platform while you work with it.
Here is my feature request for osx:
I capture many screen recordings using quicktime command+shift+5.
I would like to select multiple screen recordings, right-click, and send them all to a single app to: compress, merge, save to new video or export straight to gif with preset default.
You might want to consider removing or changing the word "simple". "Simple" is ambiguous. It might convey ease-of-use, or it might convey "few features/underpowered".
For video editing, can you put basic text/etc over the video? Ie gifs + text? A refined UX for going from screen capture to stupid gif, on Linux and Windows, would easily be something i'd pay for.
The "Tools" drop-down menu on your site does not automatically close after clicking an item, leaving it obscuring the content. I found that quite jarring.
You can try the tool creatively named LosslessCut. It's more user friendly than both machete and avidemux but it doesn't support as many container formats (only mp4 and mkv I think).
it is slightly more nuanced, if you do static linking it is considered derivative work and does requires you to open it. Since the app is based on ffmpeg which is GPL(core is LGPL) i am curious to know how it is getting used.
Static linking of LGPL content (thus making it derivative work) only requires that it must allow "modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications".
Making your own code public is not the only way to achieve this.
You can also make available to customer object files and build instructions to recreate your software with the (modified) statically linked LGPL content. (if it's LGPL > 2.1 you have extra requirements: you need to provide all toolchains/dependencies and it must be actually possible to install a modified version on the hardware)
Granted, this is not commonly used but I've used this on some projects where dynamic linking was not available/desired by client.
i didn't bundle the ffmpeg in the app. It uses homebrew to install ffmpeg on the user's device. this is the acceptable way since ffmpeg confirms it on twitter/X.
Kind of sad to see people hating on this for using FFmpeg behind the scenes. So what? You've created value here by solving the problem of ffmpeg having no user-friendly GUI, which is not easy. Congrats on the launch!
There are lots of free and friendly frontends to FFmpeg. My choice would be VLC from videolan.org.
I think calling the criticism "hate" is an unfair dismissal of the comments as disingenuous. I'd expect that most posters feel neutral, and wanted to share their thoughts in a non-interested way.
(I know that VLC uses libavcodec from the FFmpeg project, rather than the frontend also known as FFmpeg.)
> There are lots of free and friendly frontends to FFmpeg. My choice would be VLC from videolan.org.
I've seen this repeated a few times in this thread, yet nobody is naming anything. Can you name a free and friendly tool that allows cropping and trimming videos like OP's? And by friendly we agree that I just have to open the tool, drag my rectangle and click render.
Were you originally interested in video editing, photography, and other things like that? How did you come up with the idea to create a program like this? Tell us a little more about it, please.
Building a good UI is not to be sneezed at- it's a lot of very important work to get a user experience that isn't a dreadful series of checkboxes with limited choice.
I haven't downloaded this so I can't tell if he has succeeded, but charging for a good user experience on top of a open-source library is a pretty classic thing.
That's unnecessarily flippant, even if it were just an ffmpeg wrapper do you imagine every person is a software developer who knows how to use the command line? This is clearly geared toward content creators. And even though I am technical I usually use random websites from Google to accomplish this stuff, looking up magic ffmpeg commands is (not fun)[1].
Actually ran into a random issue before where the first result for "convert video to MP4 with ffmpeg" would produce files not playable by Quicktime on Mac, you needed to pass in some other codec argument to make it work. So even ffmpeg is not a panacea for technical folks.
Additionally this take is just incorrect. If you scroll down the landing page to "Super simple video editor" you'll see it has cool features where a GUI shines, like cropping a video to a specific section while scrubbing through it. Good look using ffmpeg to do that.
My advice to OP is to make those GUI features more prominent in the landing page compared to "converting videos" -- I think most social media apps will accept the common video formats created by most phones so that's probably more niche than some of the editing stuff.
> the first result for "convert video to MP4 with ffmpeg" would produce files not playable by Quicktime on Mac, you needed to pass in some other codec argument to make it work. So even ffmpeg is not a panacea for technical folks.
MP4 files use the MPEG-4 container format. It’s confusing at first why a .mp4 file would play somewhere and elsewhere not, until one looks into the difference of a container format and a video codec. After one learns that, one will be in a better position to find the right arguments to use for ffmpeg to produce a video file that is playable on some of one’s own different devices.
For me, to host videos on my website, I found it better to offload the task of converting formats to a self hosted PeerTube instance, rather than keeping scripts to transcode to multiple formats with different parameters on my own. I believe PeerTube also uses ffmpeg for this.
I think I did understand that when it comes to MKVs since it was popular for anime precisely because of its support for newer x265 codecs. So there is some connection between container and codec, in that not all containers support all codecs. I would also assume since x264 is dated at this point and been around a long time that there would be universal support for those supported codecs but that clearly isn't the case.
In any event, it's unexpected that the default configuration of ffmpeg produces an MP4 unplayable on Mac. Looks like "pix_fmt yuv420p" is what's needed.
Side note I'm remembering now why I needed to do this, some dev tooling produces WebP video files which can't be uploaded everywhere.
Every piece of software is providing an abstraction for libraries. Unless you're sitting there pushing raw machine code, you're just being an annoying hypocrite.
My understanding is it's a one time purchase, lifetime update for a single user. If you misunderstood this I am guessing because you didn't click on the "license option" buttons because it sounded like subscription software. That's a good thing for the dev to know, because I agree, this doesn't seem like something I would pay for monthly or yearly, but I might buy.
- Most of the page titles are the (same)[1] which doesn't seem good for SEO. Each of the pages like "Pricing" or "Compress Your Video Files" should be differently named.
- The "video compressor" tool would be much more useful if you could enter a target file size. This is a frequent use case, if you want to send a video over email or social media apps like Messenger with a file size limit. The only way I've been able to do that for myself is basically encode it repeatedly with ffmpeg at various quality settings until the file size is just small enough, but you could probably automate that with something more intelligent like a good guess and a binary search. I'm sure someone's made a library to do that already though.
- It needs a whole bunch of features related to subtitles, like making a subtitled GIF from a video file with subtitles.
- Maybe risky to include copyrighted work like the Spider-Verse movie in the demo video? Unless you really did rip it legally from a Blu-ray.
- There are random grammar mistakes and capitalization issues throughout the site, nothing major but worth a pass by a native English speaker. "What kinda files Pimosa supports?" and "Every files gets processed on your device only" as some examples. Might give some people pause.
- Could be worth to have a more prominent "Download" box at the top section that automatically detects your OS. Most landing pages have that so I assume it works.
[1] https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fpimosa....
I disagree. Any page that sports a big "buy now" button without even scrolling but has at that point not even shown me a single screenshot will have a hard time catching my attention. I didn't look further.
Would love to see examples of nice landing pages that _don’t_ do this and also aren’t big enough companies that you’ve already heard of them (10b plus companies may not need to do this as they’ve earned the scroll in brand recognition and likely have more than one product line).
Can I get a discount if I copy edit your site and docs for you? :) But, yea, agree that the typos give pause.
> - Could be worth to have a more prominent "Download" box …
And make it more clear what downloading gets you. Is it a trial? Or just a version of the app that doesn’t save?
Reading through the site and docs, I get the impression you’ve spent more time getting license keys to work than anything else. Certainly at least in the way of docs.
Congrats on the first release.
Switch to offering a year of free updates and charge a small fee after that.
Trust me. You will coverge to this scheme sooner or later, so do it now.
Standalone Windows installer is a must.Windows Store is still a deserted wasteland and is not a default choice for the vast majority of Windows users. You are losing a ton of users over this.
ffmpeg and other dependencies need to be acknowledged for both ethical and technical reasons. The technical reason is that your app doesn't depend on OS-supplied codecs and doesn't require installing them separately. And ethical reasons I hope are obvious.EDIT: spelling.
This is not true, not as phrased.
A. You can get a cert issued in your personal name. Not an EV one, but still.
B. You are likely to already have a company if you are selling online.
C. It doesn't take "a month" even for an EV cert. Several days tops unless you go through Comodo, in which case you get what you pay for.
D. It is perfectly fine to distribute unsigned installers. They produce a warning on launch, granted, but contrary to the urban legend they are not getting instantly shit-canned by the Defender.
B. That's not always the case with indie developers.
C. Well, it took me. My cert authority was GlobalSign.
> but contrary to the urban legend they are not getting instantly shit-canned by the Defender.
That was not my experience. Try to download an unsigned binary using Edge and see what happens. From what I remember (I'm on macOS, mostly), they are "getting instantly shit-canned".
I've recently used two different vendors, replied within minutes to each of their queries in hopes of expediting the process, but each time it took the better part of 2 months before I was in possession of a USB signing key.
This is for a Delaware C-corp, so it was about as vanilla as it could be for their side.
It took some searching, but it turns out that they spun off their non-subscription certificate business under the name of GoGetSSL. This entity resells other vendors too, but if you get their "own" certificate, which is the cheapest of the bunch, the validation is done by Digicert. So, that's the answer for the time being.
Entrust, Globalsign, Certum are way more expensive, slow and bureaucratic. Comodo (or Sectigo, which is the same thing) are just utter crap. Their validation process is an India-outsourced torture. Never again. Not even for free.
I always thought that an LLC was sufficient, what's the actual requirement if an LLC is not enough?
However, as the other post said, Windows will treat an EV certificate with very high trust and should not show SmartScreen. For OV signed software, it looks like [3] Microsoft will use some telemetry to assemble a trust score as people download and accept the risk of running the software, over days or weeks.
[0] https://support.ksoftware.net/support/solutions/articles/358... KSoftware is a sales partner for Sectigo. I used their service and later Sectigo directly, before last year's change to require FIPS hardware for managing the code signing certificate.
[1] https://www.cookcountyclerkil.gov/vital-records/business-not...
[2] https://support.ksoftware.net/support/solutions/articles/232...
[3] https://stackoverflow.com/a/65653792/504994
An additional detail is that there are two levels of code signing certificates, normal and EV (extended validation) certificate. EV certificates make windows completely drop the low-reputation screen and causes many antivirus solutions to trust you but are expensive and are a bit of a pain to get. Normal certificates are cheaper and comparatively easier to acquire, but only give partial benefits (less scary screen from Windows, some leeway from antivirus).
100% agree! I've been using Windows for over 20 years and I haven't installed a single app through Windows Store.
Source: I just installed Enterprise 11 on my desktop a week ago and I had to manually install Microsoft Store manually.
And creating a good user interface is very, very hard. Otherwise Gimp wouldn't be the monstrosity it is.
HN is a community of hackers, not business people that are only commercially interested. But Hackers need money too, so we also need to be a little bit commercial. But it would be ideal if we could be commercial without having to give up the hacker ethic.
But many people don't believe it's easy to be open source and commercial at the same time. Why would people pay if they don't have to?
I'm thinking of a new form of software licencing: what if we make a license that says that a particular piece of software must become open source after for example 5 years. Then the developer can sell the software they wrote for 5 years long, and after that it will become open source.
This would give FOSS developers more motivation to create software, and the community will benefit eventually, so people won't feel too hesitative paying for the software, because it will eventually benefit everyone.
From what I read here daily, it is becoming an anti-hacker, anti-worker, anti-individual and pro-big business community.
One of the proofs is this theread. You can see People defending AWS... BUT my point is not AWS is wrong, but supporting AWS and criticizing individuals is what is wrong.
And no one noticed this, and has already started defending AWS.
This is something...
people did, it's just that you get attacked or reported if you do so, not this thread specifically but in general
But Aurora is not “just” a repackaged MySQL, the entire storage layer was rewritten.
It should at least be visible in the FAQ that the open source FFmpeg tool is used by the app, with an appropriate link to FFmpeg's website. The tool could be described from the start as a "User-friendly FFmpeg front-end" (but I would understand that this may not speak to its target audience, hence the idea of putting the information way down the page in the FAQ or even the footer, but at least don't hide it).
Decades ago we were calling out these software and now it’s the norm.
Another example along the line: I wanted to extract a frame from a video on iOS, it’s impossible with the built-in tools (screenshot aside) and found that someone built a paid app only for that.
I tell you where we’re heading, we’re screwed.
I have seen absolutely miraculous backends, totally pooched, because the library developer thought that GUI was for "wusses."
> now i have lession that i shouldnt build apps that consumes so much time.
Sounds like somebody really devoted to the perfect UI experience.
Look, I don't want to talk down this kid. Everybody starts somewhere and I like the enthusiasm. But him expecting to make $30 off everybody for plumbing together a bunch of FOSS libs is rubbing me the wrong way.
That's not true Dropbox was in the technical edge when it came, and old time ago, was barely possible, and the recurrent cost of the severs and operation cost is clearly not the same. And pay Foss GUIs are sad state of reality
It’s the HN version of “less space than the Nomad. No wireless. Lame”
Building ffmpeg is very different from an SSL lib. They need different tradeoffs, design strategies, domain knowledge, etc. And doing them properly is really really hard. A lot of software out there sucks, in part because there is more focus on marketing than on correctness and reliability.
If roads had the same quality as software then traffic deaths would be an order of magnitude higher.
Try working on a library used in tech that your life depends on and you might re-consider your road metaphor.
> Building a road is usually very similar to building another road.
It's a similar process, but so is building software. That's entirely besides my point though, which you seem to have missed entirely.
Case in point: I regularly use a free iOS app that is clearly the result of someone's deep passion in taking what could have been a simple wrapper and turning it into an incredibly simple but powerful interface to complete a useful task efficiently and at any scale... and that task is exactly what OP was trying to do...
But as someone who's somewhat familiar with app store optimization, I guarantee the creator did none of that that.
Their app name would need to be something obnoxious like "Frame Grabber Extractor: Pic from Video" to capture all the different searches people do for this task.
And the people focused on distribution are even paying for ads with the money they make their IAP infested "1 week trial; $4 a week" alternatives make.
There's nearly 2 million lines of code in the FFMPEG codebase: unless you're building the next Adobe Premiere, no matter how much value you provide, you are building an extremely shallow wrapper around FFMPEG when you build an interface to crop videos.
No one is saying a shallow wrapper can't provide value, but most of the value for the end user is derived from FFMPEG, not the layer you added to it.
If we took FFMPEG and your wrapper and separated them, FFMPEG could still do the one task that your users need: it would be harder, and it would be less convenient, but it can still crop videos. Your tool would no longer do anything but draw rectangles where we'd like a crop to appear. It'd meet no user needs at all.
Also to clarify my stance, there's nothing wrong with shallow wrappers, and I've made shallow wrappers: I know finding the user need, and thinking of the right UX and figuring out distribution is all a lot of real legwork.
But I also find it's important to realize when most of the value you're providing is enabled by something you built on. There shouldn't be shame in admitting that you wrapped something that was powerful and potentially unwieldy for your segment of users and made it useful.
Doesn't mean he manufactured it, or invented it, or conceived of the very idea of an automobile with an ICE (or EV). It's all a big collaborative effort, and imagining that all of the $40k for that car go straight into the dealer's pocket would be absurd. Legally absurd, and ethically absurd as well.
Similar with a piece of software that builds on other work. Of course it provides value (hopefully). But on the whole, the extra value added is not the majority of the whole package.
There are other options, many of them have been mentioned in this discussion.
I suppose my main point is that the apparently new quite inexperienced guy, as appreciated as his enthusiasm is, should at some point understand that all the tech he uses for free didn't fall from the sky and just whipping the cream that floats on top for personal profit is not a sustainable model. Even though that seems to be the trend these days.
You can fault the FOSS community for promoting default libre licensing that created the “exploitable” nature of this, but the fact of the matter is that people creating software are able to make a choice. They can make a different choice if they wish.
This is about a green kid coming along and quickly churning out lots of half-baked solutions, asking for frankly quite a lot of money for those, apparently without acknowledging the giants on whose shoulder they are standing. Legally they have the right to do so, sure. But we as a community can give push back in that that's not how things will work in the long run. I encourage you to check out his personal home page, you'll see what I mean. (And again, I generally applaud the enthusiasm. But those things would better be suited as portfolio-building personal OSS projects on github rather than trying to squeeze the dollars.)
There is a difference between legitimate business interests after large investments, and freeloaders.
What exactly does this mean?
Why? They are under no obligation to do so, and then they are working for free. (A common trope related to FOSS, often argued on this very website)
> There is a difference between legitimate business interests after large investments, and freeloaders.
What large investment are you talking about? The thousands of hours of free labor that went ffmpeg? Yeah. See also all of the open source software that went into the operating system and utilities they built everything on. That doesn’t stop people from selling proprietary software, so why is this any different?
This is free market capitalism. If they can find people to pay $29 for a copy of this wrapper, more power to them. That also happens to be a much more powerful resume bullet point.
We are talking decades of work, dealing with platform issues, performance, loads of security considerations and then there is the whole licensing+patent topic.
Sure UI work is hard, but of the whole package, it's only the visible part of the iceberg and now I'm expected to give $30 to the person who only contributed that last piece? Of course it's work too but if not at least half that money is being donated to the underlying FOSS projects then I'm out.
Another suggestion: open source your app. Those who don't know how to compile/build it, or are too lazy, which will be most, they can pay for the convenience, and you'll have the income you expect, but at least you are giving back to the community on whose work you are basing yours.
> self-taught full-stack developer who wrote the first line of code in the 2020 Corona lockdown.
You my friend are standing on the shoulders of giants. Time to ack them.
If I felt that people should give me a cut of any commercial software they build on top of my library then I would try to express that in my choice of license.
Though we as a community can still have views regarding kids hacking things trying to profit off decades of hard work by a large community. Different if they contribute back obvioisly. There are lots of compromise models out there.
Edit: Softened unreasonably provocative expressions
And the mask slips. Maybe don't gatekeep software using licenses as they are designed to be used
Though acting legally and acting ethically/responsibly are still different things.
You did read the rest of my post right?
No, you are not expected to pay $30 to anybody.
If the distribution of the money make you unhappy, just pay $30 to this guy and $30 to the other project (or $150 using a x5 ratio sugested in other comment).
Or you can use the free CLI, or a free alternative.
Even better, you can write a free clone of this app and distribute it for free. Just remember to choose the licence carefuly. You'd probably like AGPL that makes comercial use very difficult.
That said, there is nothing wrong with a paid wrapper around a large and complex open source library. Distributing their work more widely is not a disservice.
If there's one thing that I've learned, is that "It Depends™" is my mantra.
ffmpeg is the sharp end of years of work by a whole lot of folks. It isn't just a single developer's "pet project" (although its originator[0] deserves enormous heaps of credit). It has been maintained by a whole community of really good (and dedicated) developers (and people with all kinds of other skills)[1].
It's not just a library. It's a platform. People have made entire (lucrative) careers, from just "tuning" ffmpeg.
Because of the infrastructure provided by ffmpeg, people can build some really useful implementations, and create focused applications.
I have found that making an approachable interface for a complex substrate, can be incredibly valuable, and definitely worth paying for. It can often mean the difference between soaring success, and miserable failure.
"Easier" is in the eye of the beholder. Ever watch a really, really experienced studio musician at work? They sit down, and in five minutes, your scratches on a piece of paper, take on a magical aspect. They make it look absurdly easy, but that comes from intense practice. There was a documentary (don't remember the name), about a bunch of major musicians, that came out of the California scene, in the late 1960s/early 1970s. In it, there was a discussion about someone (I think it may have been one of the Grateful Dead, or Eagles), that lived above Jackson Browne, who is a very successful singer and songwriter (BTW: The "songwriter" part is the bit that makes the money). They talk about hearing him practice, as he was developing songs. He'd play just a few bars, over, and over, and over again, until he got it right.
Songwriters and studio musicians may not be able to command roaring crowds at Glastonbury, but they can give you the album that you'll need, to get that crowd to show up, in the first place. So success requires contributions from many different places, and each has its own measure.
[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabrice_Bellard
[1] https://www.ffmpeg.org/community.html
That said, what's the free and open source version of this tool? There are some great open source video editors like Shotcut, Openshot, KDENLive, Blender, etc., but I think this tool is more like CyberChef for video?
PowerToys is Free and Open Source, and has at minimum an image resizer utility. It's a good starting point for adding on richer functionality like a preview GUI, and I'm sure that the basic video and audio manipulation would be appreciated as additions. Also since it's a Microsoft sponsored project, I imagine that the signing process is drastically different than what OP has experienced.
I know that's really not satisfying to say that "someday we could have this in the FOSS space", but everything starts somewhere.
Though editors like Shotcut and KDENLive are considered non linear since you can layer on different effects, while OP's utility is definitely not that.
Context: a big chunk of my 2024 income was from grant money to build open source software that I may have tried to monetize otherwise. It’s possible.
Gives everyone the option of picking free or paid options, depending on people’s needs.
However I don't think it's fair to call this a "shallow wrapper". It's clear that a lot of work went into the design of this GUI and, and making user-friendly interfaces is also an important work (that is far too often overlooked in the open sources communities).
Yet the fact that FFmpeg, the tool that does all the heavy background work, isn't even mentioned anywhere on the website, even in the FAQ or the footer is at least a non-negligible ethical problem.
UPDATE: The same goes for ImageMagick that I just saw this app installs and uses too.
The licenses for both ffmpeg and ImageMagick do not require anyone to mention them in the website.
However, if they are being re-distributed, there are clear obligations for providing source code and attributions. Omitting to do so is a violation of the legal obligations.
We dismiss these things as wrappers on HN because we like to believe that the technical side is 90% of the work.
But this belief has an easy antidote: ask to see the "UX" (lmao) we built.
* The "< Home" button when you enter video/audio/photo tools is only clickable and changes color when hovering below the text, I would suggest making that a larger blue button. This doesn't happen for the "< Back" button which is in the same area when you're in a tool
* If the upper image crop handles are all the way at the top, they aren't clickable, they don't show the resize cursor. When you drag them it moves the window instead of the crop handle
I have a few suggestions:
* I'm not sure how feasible this is, but I think video should have a similar combined crop/flip/rotate UI instead of separate ones like for photos
* It seems like batch processing is a first class notion in the app, which is definitely very handy, but I think maybe it should be a mode toggled by a radio? I think a lot of use cases are just one off uses, in which case the UI can be made a lot simpler. If I'm just working on one file, I would prefer to be dropped right into the tool editor rather than having to click edit.
* 2 devices for the extended license is still a little too limited in my opinion. I would make it so authenticating the app to a computer requires access to the email that purchased it, and then make the extended license unlimited. I don't think you have to worry about that getting used for a team since it would require access to the email account.
Nevertheless, I agree that two devices is too restrictive, it should be five or so.
Nitpick on your nitpick: By definition, all nitpicks are small. This isn’t important, but I thought you might appreciate the meta commentary.
When I was a kid, tuna and tuna fish were two different things.
Tuna was tuna straight out of the can, with nothing added. After all, the can says tuna right on it.
Tuna fish was tuna mixed with mayonnaise and crunchy things like pickles and celery. It was what today would be called tuna salad.
So if mom asked, "would you like a tuna sandwich for lunch?" we would reply "can we please have a tuna fish sandwich instead?" Because who wants plain tuna in a sandwich?
If she asked if we wanted a tuna salad sandwich, we would be completely confused. Is it a salad or is it a sandwich?
OTOH, "tuna fish" was indeed a common phrase back in those days (mid 20th century) as a synonym for canned tuna. It appeared on tuna can labels and advertisements. Here are some examples:
Over the years, "tuna fish" fell out of common use, which may explain why you haven't heard of it.
Here is a conversation I had with ChatGPT 4o about this:
To answer your question, no, we never said salmon fish or anchovy fish. Just tuna fish.
Language and its evolution is an interesting thing!
I did use Miss Chatty (ChatGPT 4o) as a research assistant, and cited my discussion with her in my comment.
If you don't mind, I am curious to learn what signals in my comments led you to think that I am an AI. :-)
Maybe there is something you know about me that I don't know!
But don't mind me. Just found it curious. You don't seem like an AI from your profile, but these days one can't be sure anymore. Cheers!
They even wrote an entire Book for me to read. I haven't read the whole thing (or even much of it), but it has advice like this:
"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."
Wait, I think that is in the Hacker News guidelines! I knew I read it somewhere.
Things that are considered small can still have variations in the extent of their smallness.
If not, what type of commentary would it be?
The model like jetbrains does with IntelliJ I think is decent. Or look at smaller software like sublime text or ArqBackup (we're a license is forever for a specific major release of the software)
Did that company not want to make money? Even if they want to pretend their software is done, there is incentive to just change the name, add a new feature or two, and maybe poke at the UI so it looks different enough to be a definitely new product that you should buy and not mostly the same as last time.
1) Free lifetime updates 2) No subscription, but limited updates 3) Subscription model
The parent was suggesting no. 2 (what you would find acceptable as well).
In theory you could have a single binary that never changes, ever, but it's just unrealistic.
Subscription models are fine, Jetbrains is the fallback if you're going to be super adamant about refusing to fund ongoing development, but software is not like other products. Maybe in the past when it was very simple within a simple ecosystem it was different.
There's something to be said for reducing the pricing to something more sustainable and more explicity upstream donations, but "pay once, have the developer continue to work for me for free if I keep it long enough" isn't realistic.
Unless you are the legal creator or buy the copyright, you never own software outright, you license it from the owner (or its public domain and has no owner.)
One time purchase plus yearly renewals to keep the product operating are one shaky legal grounds.
We probably don't have any of that with software, yet.
Just read his webpage, it's quite obvious.
Just a question seeing as you are targeting Mac as one of the platforms. Did you concider using AVFoundation for some functionality on MacOS? Similar with Microsoft Media Foundation on windows? Although both of those would have less supported formats than ffmpeg licensing is much less of an issue.
If you ever do want wide support without the pains of having the user install ffmpeg then for video MainConcept is what I've generally seen used.
The ffmpeg docs have an straightforward list of things you have to do to link against ffmpeg and also be compliant with the license, which I found interesting:
The app and the site looks really cool. A very very small issue on website. In the FAQ section it says "Every files gets processed on your device only" I think "files" should be "file" there. Nothing really important, just my perfectionism :)
Keep up the good work!
I agree that "Buy Now" is shown too early.
The horizontally scrolling list of feature icons under Buy Now stops scrolling when you tap an icon, and the icon turns blue; but they're not buttons that lead anywhere. And if I want to see the rest of the scrolling icons, I have to deselect the touched icon. I'd suggest not making this an interactable element, and speed up the scrolling a bit.
And yes, have someone do a proofreading pass.
Look forward to seeing the updated landing page!
Just to be clear, this isn't a criticism of the software on technical grounds. I don't doubt that the OP knows what he's doing. It's the commercial aspect of it that I don't understand.
On top of that the app has organic views as it ended up on top of hacker news that lot of these apps haven't.
I've down developing in private for >15 years now and even tho i wrote alot of stuff i never was motivated enaugh to "publish" something as product that i might need to support.
Therefor - my respect!
NB: “Privacy Alert: Files are uploaded to third-party servers.” Wraps oddly on my iPhone, resulting in squishing the circle.
Two common image usecases (maybe just not documented on site) that i regurarly need.
- .heic input support from airdropped iphone images
- JpegXL .jxl support as i am moving my image library to this format for space saving and futureproofing
I assume its imagemagicks fault but maybe low hanging fruit as the library updates.
I think this is a great idea. Ffmpeg and imagemagick can be a pain in the ass. I'd buy it off there were a Linux version and an option to improve the contrast. (Grey text hurts my eyes.)
A. The better call Saul on the video demo is cheerful. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.
B. You want to convey simplicity, then do that on the copy. For example, instead of x bullets each with action, make it short, resize, convert, rotate etc your video.
Same for images and audio.
Put the demo video right next to the declaration (“show it, don’t tell”).
There is some repetition on the Text, literally one next to each other. e g
Or If you come to simply my life, make sure your communication is simple, concise and clear.Why not post "Show HN: Frame-by-frame video cropper"? (If that's even what is does)
No one is looking for "a desktop app".
Looks like Flutter has third-party libraries for macOS and Windows. I found a damper to the excitement of being able to make great-looking cross-platform apps though, seems Flutter has a big battery drain issue related to rendering blinking cursors that doesn't seem to have been resolved.
This is why people shouldn't use Vercel. The last thing you want is a message like this when people come to your site.
Most people are unlikely to view scripting as the most powerful user interface available. So there may be a market for a simplified GUI such as this.
I have been on handbreak for years and what you have does look like an improvement.
Good luck and congratulations!
Shipping an MSI or EXE will help with people who want to use it on WINE as well.
I assume the former, and I haven't encountered the latter since the 2000s, but just checking.
I would like to select multiple screen recordings, right-click, and send them all to a single app to: compress, merge, save to new video or export straight to gif with preset default.
Anyway, the UI is beautiful, you must have some design skills already.
Ok, I'm fine with it
You have a small typo in the Lemonsqueezy page for team licenses.
Making your own code public is not the only way to achieve this.
You can also make available to customer object files and build instructions to recreate your software with the (modified) statically linked LGPL content. (if it's LGPL > 2.1 you have extra requirements: you need to provide all toolchains/dependencies and it must be actually possible to install a modified version on the hardware)
Granted, this is not commonly used but I've used this on some projects where dynamic linking was not available/desired by client.
Why isn't FFmpeg mentioned on your app's website?
The same goes for ImageMagick by the way.
Your roadmap is outdated.
I think calling the criticism "hate" is an unfair dismissal of the comments as disingenuous. I'd expect that most posters feel neutral, and wanted to share their thoughts in a non-interested way.
(I know that VLC uses libavcodec from the FFmpeg project, rather than the frontend also known as FFmpeg.)
I've seen this repeated a few times in this thread, yet nobody is naming anything. Can you name a free and friendly tool that allows cropping and trimming videos like OP's? And by friendly we agree that I just have to open the tool, drag my rectangle and click render.
(See also: Kdenlive)
I don't agree that's a good definition of friendly but that's ok.
I haven't downloaded this so I can't tell if he has succeeded, but charging for a good user experience on top of a open-source library is a pretty classic thing.
Turns out not everyone wants to spend years learning *nix and sit on a desktop pc debugging shell commands to edit their video.
I doubt that people who are capable of using ffmpeg are the target group here.
Actually ran into a random issue before where the first result for "convert video to MP4 with ffmpeg" would produce files not playable by Quicktime on Mac, you needed to pass in some other codec argument to make it work. So even ffmpeg is not a panacea for technical folks.
Additionally this take is just incorrect. If you scroll down the landing page to "Super simple video editor" you'll see it has cool features where a GUI shines, like cropping a video to a specific section while scrubbing through it. Good look using ffmpeg to do that.
My advice to OP is to make those GUI features more prominent in the landing page compared to "converting videos" -- I think most social media apps will accept the common video formats created by most phones so that's probably more niche than some of the editing stuff.
[1] https://xkcd.com/1168/
MP4 files use the MPEG-4 container format. It’s confusing at first why a .mp4 file would play somewhere and elsewhere not, until one looks into the difference of a container format and a video codec. After one learns that, one will be in a better position to find the right arguments to use for ffmpeg to produce a video file that is playable on some of one’s own different devices.
For me, to host videos on my website, I found it better to offload the task of converting formats to a self hosted PeerTube instance, rather than keeping scripts to transcode to multiple formats with different parameters on my own. I believe PeerTube also uses ffmpeg for this.
In any event, it's unexpected that the default configuration of ffmpeg produces an MP4 unplayable on Mac. Looks like "pix_fmt yuv420p" is what's needed.
Side note I'm remembering now why I needed to do this, some dev tooling produces WebP video files which can't be uploaded everywhere.
Every piece of software is providing an abstraction for libraries. Unless you're sitting there pushing raw machine code, you're just being an annoying hypocrite.
The whole thing was a simple PHP script invoking imagemagick. They made it available over an API.
Sold it to eBay for more than $1M.
AWS is just a wrapper around KVM.